I can be contacted in one of several ways. The best way to reach me is probably by e-mail at ke@vinpet.it.
You can always browse my social media which is linked below in the grey bar - you can find my Twitter, or visit my Github where my open source projects are located.
If you ever want to hire me, or require me to login to your server, the public key that I will use is:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIgKlTXbmzdiAzCQGtHkDg5IVDo+hTdygnuftZD3q+ZK kevinpetit@gwen
I will connect using these IP-addresses, so you can whitelist these:
IPv6: 2a01:4f9:c010:57b5::1
I will usually require sudo access, so please arrange this for me. You can always ask me which commands need to be whitelisted.
I prefer to be able to use sudo without a password, but you can leave the password in a file in the home directory of my user, so I can go ahead.
Got any further questions, feel free to let me know!